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Our contractor’s hourly rate depends on the person’s skills, experience, and the industry they will be working in. If you are looking for a specific contractor, please view our contractors on our 'view contractors' page.
Our typical turnaround time for a shortlist is 4-24 hours, with many of our clients having successfully deployed contractors within 2-4 business days.
The purpose of hiring a contractor is to fill a vacant position or to address a skills gap as quickly as possible. We have been known to introduce you to the right contractor in as little as 24 hours. Companies often hire contractors for short-term projects or outcomes.
We offer a dedicated in-house payroll service, so you can rest assured that your contractors will be paid on time in accordance with the authorised hours worked. Contractors are paid on a monthly or weekly basis depending on the company they are contracting with.
If your contractor is hired on a fixed-term contract, you may choose to pay the contractor directly.
We have a dedicated Account manager specialised in filling contract roles. Once you submit your vacancy, our team of Contract specialists will work with you to understand your goals and requirements and an account manager will be allocated as your point of contact.